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From modest residences to historic churches and commercial campuses, SunStyle has been creating beautiful solar roofs since 2007. Understand how these clients integrated a SunStyle roof to achieve their design and energy-generation goals.

Case Studies

Falkenweg | SunStyle | Photovoltaic solar tiles | tuiles solaires photovoltaïques

Photovoltaic solar tiles for offices in Falkenweg

18 July 2024

SunStyle | Arlesheim

Pioneering Solar Tile Integration in Arlesheim’s Community Hall

1 July 2024

Innovatives ZiHaus: Architektur, Technik und Nachhaltigkeit vereint

Innovative ZiHaus: Architecture, Technology, and Sustainability United

16 April 2024

Solarziegel-single-family-house-bern-switzerland | SunStlye

Solar tiles aesthetically & technically optimally used | Single-family house in Bern

15 December 2022

Terracotta solar tiles on an 18th century house in France | SunStyle

Terracotta solar tiles on an 18th century house in France

30 November 2022

Google-Bay-View Dragonscale | SunStyle


15 November 2022

Photovolatisches Dach für Wohnhäuser

Haus B Single Family Home (Stuttgart, Germany)

23 September 2021

1st Equity Bank (Illinois, USA)

23 September 2021

SunStyle solar roof on cradle to cradle mixed use building

Carbon neutral residential and commercial building (Zweisimmen, Switzerland)

23 September 2021

Kindergarten with solar roof (Ipsach, Switzerland)

23 September 2021

Strand Church (Tau, Norway)

23 September 2021

Saint-Charles International (Perpignan, France)

23 September 2021

Multi-Family Residential Complex (Basel, Switzerland)

23 September 2021

Single family residence with a complex solar roof | SunStyle

Single Family House (Küssnacht am Rigi, Switzerland)

23 September 2021

Plant Nursery Storage (Zuzgen, Switzerland)

23 September 2021

Berglodge Restaurant Ristis (Engelberg, Switzerland)

23 September 2021

Renovation of a neo-Gothic church (Sarpsborg, Norway)

23 September 2021


Lumberyard (Switzerland)

23 September 2021

Vacation House (Boltigen, Switzerland)

23 September 2021

Positive energy house

Positive Energy House

23 September 2021